Brian Maloney | Ferme Brylee2022-04-05
Cette présentation fait partie du mini colloque: Agriculture régénératrice pour réduire les émissions GES des fermes laitières au Québec.
Duration: 45 min.
Available in: French
Soil: The Solution.
Brian Maloney | Ferme Brylee2022-04-05
Cette présentation fait partie du mini colloque: Agriculture régénératrice pour réduire les émissions GES des fermes laitières au Québec.
Duration: 45 min.
Available in: French
Every dollar counts.
Help accelerate the movement for soil regeneration across Canada.
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Thank you to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website for inspiring this text :
Regeneration Canada's main office is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka are recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is known as a historic gathering place for many Indigenous peoples.
Regeneration Canada is committed to taking action to regenerate land and water while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings.
We are dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and the communities we serve about the true history of this place.
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