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Steve Groff's Quebec Tour on Cover Crops

From February 21st to 23rd, 2023, Regeneration Canada and its partners will be hosting Steve Groff for a Quebec tour of educational events on cover crops. On February 21 in Saint-Hyacinthe and...
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Regenerative Farming in the Prairies: Discovering the Possibilities

[Events in English – Événements en anglais] Launching in 2022, Regeneration Canada and Oatly are teaming up on an exciting project highlighting a portion of the vast network of Canadian land managers...
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Regenerating the land, feeding our community - Producers' Gathering

[Event in English – Événement en anglais] This event is made possible thanks to the support of K-Hart Industries, Garratt Industries Ltd, and Farm Credit Canada. On July 6th, 2022, the Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association...
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CANCELLED - Regenerating the land, feeding our community - Consumers' Gathering

We are very sorry to announce that we have no choice but to cancel the Consumers’ Gathering on July 5th due to some unexpected and unfortunate circumstances. We appreciate your understanding of...
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Regenerative Agriculture to Reduce GHG Emissions on Dairy Farms in Quebec

[Event in French only] L’agriculture régénératrice est basée sur des principes de gestion des terres qui inversent la tendance courante de dégradation des sols, de la qualité de l’air et de l’eau,...
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Short Course on Integrated Nutrient Management

Regeneration Canada and Sustainable Grain are offering a mini-course on Integrated Nutrient Management. In this course participants will learn about strategies to improve nutrient use efficiencies and reduce fertilizer inputs as part...
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Soil regeneration 101

RC gave three workshops in three community gardens across Montreal in collaboration with AU/LAB. Workshop Description This workshop is an introduction to soil regeneration and its role in the fight against climate...
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Soil Science and Regenerative Agriculture - Full Day Workshop

After receiving multiple requests, we’re thrilled to invite you to an english version of our full day workshop on Soil Science and Regenerative Agriculture! This workshop will be presented by Antonious Petro,...
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Regenerative Gardening and Improving Soil

Wondering if you can make a difference in tackling our climate emergency? You can! By changing the way you manage your land and soil, you can become part of a global regeneration...
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Soil Regeneration: A Response to the Climate Emergency

In this workshop, Ananda Fitzsimmons of Regeneration Canada will talk about how soil carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture practices has the potential to pull excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store...
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Sciences du sol et agriculture régénératrice: Théorie et pratique

Régénération Canada est un organisme à but non-lucratif qui vise à promouvoir la régénération de la santé des sols comme solution aux changements climatiques et pour faciliter un système agroalimentaire sain. Nous...
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Workshop: The health of our soils

[French workshop] Dans le cadre de la série Ramène ta fraise, joignez-vous à une journée de découvertes sur le sol, à aborder l’état du sol mondial, la composition et les types de sols,...
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Regeneration Canada's main office is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka are recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is known as a historic gathering place for many Indigenous peoples. 

Regeneration Canada is committed to taking action to regenerate land and water while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings.

We are dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and the communities we serve about the true history of this place.



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