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Healing our land and our health

Regenerative agriculture brings attention back to the soil as a living and dynamic ecosystem. It makes us see this unique earthly medium on which our food system depends. David R. Montgomery, doctor...
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The Yazidi Healing Farm: Regenerating community and healing war trauma through farming

The term “regenerative” refers to a process – the process of improving one’s state. With regenerative agriculture, we often underline that the journey improves the state of the soil, of the ecosystem,...
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First We Eat: An intimate food sovereignty journey in the remote North

This free ticket includes a viewing of the 101-minute documentary, available for a week before the event, and a seat at the 75-minute online discussion of the film. Watch Suzanne Crocker’s film, ‘First...
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Composting as a foundation of a circular and regenerative food system

Join us for the fifth webinar of our 2022 series! This webinar is made possible thanks to the support of Englobe. The planetary challenges we face—such as climate change, soil degradation, broken...
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Adventures in Dirt and Honey

Join us for the fourth webinar of our 2022 series! Tune in to hear Sarah Red-Laird, the founder and Executive Director of the Bee Girl Organization, and learn about her “Regenerative Bee...
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Cultural Easements and Agreements

Join us for the third webinar of our 2022 series! Join Celeste Smith from Ga Gitigemi Gamik: We Will Plant Lodge and Cultural Seeds to learn more about using a Cultural Easement...
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Strategically plan your transition : the regenerative perspective

Join us for the second webinar of our 2022 series! This conference will address the practicality of the regenerative journey. Taking the first steps towards regenerative agriculture can be daunting, while learning...
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Regenerative Agriculture Through Indigenous Eyes

Join us for the first webinar in our 2022 series! We believe regenerative agriculture is informed by traditional practices derived from Indigenous foodways, as well as small-scale and peasant farmers globally. This...
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The role of soils in mitigating climate change

Join us for the last webinar in our 2021 series! In honour of World Soil Day, join our conversation on the importance of soils to mitigate climate change with a leading soil...
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Measuring, verifying and communicating outcomes and practices in regenerative agriculture

Join us for the third webinar in our 2021 series! Regenerative agriculture is gaining popularity for its sought-after benefits such as increasing soil health, improving water cycles, mitigating climate change as well...
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On the journey towards organic no-till field crop agriculture

Tune in to hear Chris Simeniuk from Kettle Ridge Organics and Sébastien Angers from the Ferme de l’Odyssée share their journeys towards organic no-till field crop agriculture. This talk will explore the...
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Witaskîwin: Allyship through conservation

Join Philip Brass and Kristen Martin from the Nature Conservancy of Canada on reconciliation and allyship between Indigenous communities and farmers, ranchers and other players in the regenerative land stewardship movement. The...
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Living Soils Symposium 2021

Hydrating Landscapes to Mitigate Climate Change Regenerate Soils. Restore Water Cycles. Cool the climate. For a thriving & resilient planet. Just as soil holds the potential to draw down carbon, it can...
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Propagating Agroforestry Adapted to the Canadian Climate

In this webinar, we will meet the founders, of two Quebec agroforestry operations, Véronique Alexandre and Éric de Lorimier of Pépinière aux Arbres Fruitiers, and Alain Perreault of Au Jardins des Noix....
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Regenerating the Ecosystem With Wild Rice: Anishinaabe Manoomin

James Whetung, founder of Black Duck Wild Rice, will be joining us for our 2020 Webinar Series. For 38 years now, James has been working to restore Manoomin (wild rice) to Rice...
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The Power of The Snout: Building Resilience With Managed Grazing

Animals are our allies when it comes to building rich topsoil, creating nutrient-dense foods, generating ecological fiber, and even building resilience against wildfires. Integrating livestock into farming systems is a key regenerative...
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2020 Webinar Series: Farm to Fashion: Regenerating the Fashion Industry

The Upper Canada Fibreshed has been an active affiliate in the global Fibershed network since 2013. As a grassroots network of farmers and textile artists, we collaboratively work to realize a local...
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2020 Webinar Series: Can Policy Help Build Healthy Soils?

The development of soil health policies and laws is essential for the advancement of large-scale regenerative agriculture. Is this feasible in Canada? What are some examples of existing initiatives and policies at...
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Webinaire : Le biochar, applications agricoles et forestières

Dans le cadre de ce webinaire présenté par Régénération Canada, venez discuter de biochar avec Suzanne Allaire et Melissa Leung de GECA Environnement. Le webinaire commencera par une courte explication sur ce...
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Webinar: How Farmers Can Sell Carbon Removal

In collaboration with Nori and Mad Agriculture, this Regeneration Canada webinar will cover a new approach to help farmer monetize the incremental gains in soil organic carbon using the Nori platform. During...
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Webinaire: Un outil informatique pour planifier votre projet agroforestier

Comment minimiser durablement les intrants nécessaires, les maladies et faiblesses végétales, et maximiser la productivité de votre projet? En plantant la bonne plante au bon endroit. Dans le cadre de ce webinaire...
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Webinar : Carbon Farming 101

Carbon Farming involves implementing practices that are known to improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and converted to plant material and/or soil organic matter. Carbon farming is...
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Webinaire: Comprendre et réussir son compost

Dans le cadre de notre premier webinaire interactif, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à une discussion sur le compost avec deux experts du sol et fiers membres de Régénération Canada. Lors...
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Regeneration Canada's main office is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka are recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is known as a historic gathering place for many Indigenous peoples. 

Regeneration Canada is committed to taking action to regenerate land and water while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings.

We are dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and the communities we serve about the true history of this place.



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