Resilient Cities: Nature-based Solutions | LSS 2021

Sheri DeBoer | Michel Labrecque | Julie McManus | Isabelle Lemaire2021-02-25

Green infrastructure has the potential for restoring regional water cycles that have been disrupted by urbanization and climate change. In this session, we will explore nature-based solutions that provide ecosystem services in an urban and peri-urban context, making cities more resilient. PhytoValix is a pilot project based in Quebec that remediates landfill sites uses a willow-based system to filter leachate through plants, soil, and microorganisms. Based on circular economy concepts, the system could feed into several sectors of Quebec's green economy. We will also hear from the Green rainwater infrastructure team at the City of Vancouver. Vancouver has a target to capture and treat 90% of the city's average annual rainfall by using green rainwater infrastructure tools and design.

Duration: 98 min.

Available in: English, French

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Thank you to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website for inspiring this text :