Stephen ‘Silverbear’ McComber – LSS 2017

Stephen Silverbear McComber2017-10-13

Stephen Silverbear McComber is a longhouse faith keeper from the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. He is an avid gardener who has been saving seeds throughout the Iroquois confederacy for the last 30 years, and is recognized as a keeper of Iroquois seeds in Canada and the USA. He protects and shares the knowledge of his people through the techniques and ceremonies that follow the natural cycles of the earth and the moon.

Silverbear led the opening ceremony at the 2017 edition of the Living Soils Symposium on October 13, 2017. Organized by Régénération Canada at Concordia University in Montreal.

Production: Marc Coppola

Duration: 20 min.

Available in: English

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Thank you to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website for inspiring this text :