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The Peat Moss Problem: 6 Renewable Alternatives to Protect Ecosystems

Written by Paige Fehr

Peat moss has been the staple soil amendment for home gardeners, commercial nurseries and growers since the mid-20th century. However, in recent years, it has come to light how detrimental widespread reliance...
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Composting as a foundation of a circular and regenerative food system

Join us for the fifth webinar of our 2022 series! This webinar is made possible thanks to the support of Englobe. The planetary challenges we face—such as climate change, soil degradation, broken...
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Working With Compost on a Large Scale: Is It Possible? | LSS 2020

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Le biochar: applications agricoles et forestières

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How to reuse coffee grounds in your crops

Written by Andréa de Hullessen

With the return of spring and good weather it is finally time for gardening season, and coffee grounds will be your new ally! Thrifty and efficient, coffee grounds can be used as...
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3 Great Reasons Why Composting is Regenerative

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

To highlight International Compost Awareness Week (May 1 – May 7, 2022), we’ve decided to talk about how compost has an important role to play in soil regeneration. There’s a lot to...
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What is Compost tea and Why is it So Good for the Soil?

Written by Maya Sakellaropoulo

Regeneration Canada’s first webinar: Understanding and Succeeding with Compost On December 12 2018, Regeneration Canada launched its first interactive webinar: Understanding and Succeeding with Compost, kicking off the series with an engaging...
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How this regenerative business was inspired by the Living Soils Symposium

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

Jean François Lévêque, co-owner with his wife, Guylaine St-Vincent of Jardins de l’Écoumène (producers of organic heritage seeds and plants), was inspired by the Living Soils Symposium 2017. I had heard that...
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Comprendre et réussir son compost

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Webinaire: Comprendre et réussir son compost

Dans le cadre de notre premier webinaire interactif, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à une discussion sur le compost avec deux experts du sol et fiers membres de Régénération Canada. Lors...
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Regeneration Canada's main office is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka are recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is known as a historic gathering place for many Indigenous peoples. 

Regeneration Canada is committed to taking action to regenerate land and water while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings.

We are dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and the communities we serve about the true history of this place.



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