The Soil-Water-Climate Connection | LSS 2021

Walter Jehne | Didi Pershouse2021-02-22

Forests and lush, diverse, plant- covered environments play an important role in cooling and hydrating the earth as well as controlling water cycles. As human activity displaces these natural ecosystems, we reduce the amount of plant cover and biodiversity on the planet. In doing so, we also reduce the capacity of the earth to regulate temperature, absorb atmospheric carbon and retain water on the land. With the expertise of Walter Jehne and Didi Pershouse, this session will carefully unpack how the large and small water cycles function and their relationships to land and the climate. We will learn about the potential influence healthy soil can have on water cycling and improved resilience in the face of droughts and floods. Through concepts like the soil carbon sponge, farmers, ranchers and land managers are empowered to recognize their role in hydrating landscapes to mitigate climate change.

Duration: 121 min.

Available in: English

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Thank you to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website for inspiring this text :