Joel Williams | Chris Raupers | Alex Boersch2022-03-23
Regeneration Canada and Sustainable Grain are offering a mini-course on Integrated Nutrient Management. In this course participants will learn about strategies to improve nutrient use efficiencies and reduce fertilizer inputs as part of transitioning to regenerative agriculture practices. Joel Williams provides a high-level overview of the many factors that interplay between plants, roots, soils, and weather, in the production of field crops. Chris Raupers and Alex Boersch share their specific experiences, successes, and challenges, in introducing intercropping, companion cropping, liquid inject, and foliar nutrient applications, and the reductions they have accomplished in crop input reliance as a result. This overarching introduction to the concepts and tactics of integrated nutrient management has set the stage for a series of in-field demonstrations and workshop-style events held in person across the Canadian Prairies in the summer of 2022. This course was made possible thanks to Glacier FarmMedia, Farm Credit Canada, Agriculture Solutions Inc and General Mills.
Durée: 189 min.
Disponible en: Anglais