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Members' Call: Robert Miller on the Miyawaki Forest Method

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On the journey towards organic field crop no-till agriculture

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Restor : An introduction to the restoration platform

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Restaurer la santé des rivières et la qualité de l’eau | SSV 2021

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Propager l'agroforesterie adaptée au climat canadien

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Deep Roots: These farmers are laying the ground for agroforestry crops

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

One of the five principles of regenerative agriculture is to integrate perennial and deep rooted plants into the agro ecosystem. Of course the longest living and deepest rooted plants are trees. From...
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A vision for a more perennial agriculture

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

Recently, the topic of perennial crops has come more into public awareness after a recent publication by Eric Toensmeier published in July. While Toensmeier’s work focuses on a global context, what perennial...
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Agriculture Goes Wild: How a British Farm Combined Conservation With Food Production

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

Rewilding is a term that appeared in the 90’s, referring to the restoration of natural ecosystems as a part of the conservation biology movement. Projects around the world are ongoing, usually on...
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Soil Organic Matter: Building a foundation for agroecological transition | LSS 2020

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How this business is offsetting their carbon footprint while regenerating the soil

Written by Ananda Fitzsimmons

The 2017 Living Soils Symposium carbon offset project I had the opportunity to get an update on the carbon offset program at Oneka Farm. After the 2017 Living Soils Symposium, we partnered...
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Webinaire: Un outil informatique pour planifier votre projet agroforestier

Comment minimiser durablement les intrants nécessaires, les maladies et faiblesses végétales, et maximiser la productivité de votre projet? En plantant la bonne plante au bon endroit. Dans le cadre de ce webinaire...
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Un outil pour planifier votre projet agroforestier

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Here’s how we’re offsetting the carbon footprint of our 2017 Living Soils Symposium

Written by Antonious Petro

The first edition of the Living Soils Symposium took place in October 2017. This initiative, which originated from a handful of citizens, attracted more than 400 participants from all over the world....
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Regeneration Canada's main office is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka are recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is known as a historic gathering place for many Indigenous peoples. 

Regeneration Canada is committed to taking action to regenerate land and water while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings.

We are dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and the communities we serve about the true history of this place.